[dt_sc_title type=”h2″ style=”” class=”aligncenter”] LEADERSHIP [/dt_sc_title][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /]
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[dt_sc_team type=”type4″ image=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/pastor-sola-sm.jpg” name=”PASTOR SOLA OLAYINKA” role=”Senior Pastor” link=”#” delicious=”” deviantart=”” digg=”” facebook=”#” facebooksquare=”” twitter=”#” googleplus=”” behance=”#” google=”” weibo=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” yahoo=”” vimeosquare=”” stumbleupon=”” linkedin=”#” skype=”” youtube=”” dribbble=”#” flickr=”” tumblr=””]Pastor Olusola Olayinka popularly called Pastor ‘Shola’ is the pastor of RCCG: Grace Covenant Center. He received a call of God in his life as soon as he became born again under the tutelage of his spiritual father and mentor Rev. Dr. Kunle Salami at the Chapel of His Glory International. He is a leader who believes strongly in servant leadership, and has served practically in all the departments of the church. –Read More
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[dt_sc_team type=”type4″ image=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/anu-olayinka-sm.jpg” name=”ANU OLAYINKA” role=”Head of the Department” link=”#” delicious=”” deviantart=”” digg=”” facebook=”#” facebooksquare=”” twitter=”#” googleplus=”” behance=”#” google=”” weibo=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” yahoo=”” vimeosquare=”” stumbleupon=”” linkedin=”#” skype=”” youtube=”” dribbble=”#” flickr=”” tumblr=””]Anu Olayinka is the amiable wife of Pastor Shola Olayinka. She holds a Master’s degree in Fisheries Management and Alternative Certification in teaching after she relocated to the US. Sister Anu as she is fondly called, Pastor alongside in the ministry with her husband. She is in charge of the children, teens, young adult, singles and women ministry. Her expertise as a public school teacher has enhanced the children ministry of the church.[/dt_sc_team]