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[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”hr-title-3″ icon=”” class=””]Welcome[/dt_sc_title]
Welcome! We are a family-friendly church. You will soon find out how we deeply care for your spiritual and physical needs. No doubt you have come to the right place at the right time. We are totally committed to your spiritual welfare and your eternal destiny. The word of God is held in high esteem here, which will deepen your walk with God, and add great value to your entire life. We are certain that you will be enlightened and thoroughly grounded in the truth. By His grace, we are known to be a church that enjoys 24 hrs miracles, and unusual testimonies abound among us. We look forward to seeing you, and may the LORD continue to richly bless you (Amen).
-Pastor ‘Shola’ Olayinka[dt_sc_margin margin=”15″ /]
[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”hr-title-3″ icon=”” class=””]About GCC[/dt_sc_title]
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[dt_sc_accordion_frame title=”Our Vision Statements”]
– To inspire people to be the total man he was designed to be by developing the spirit man through the teaching of enduring word of God, effective prayer life, holy living, obedience to the LORD and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. – LEARN MORE
[dt_sc_accordion_frame title=”Our Values”]
– Exceptional family life: Grace Covenant Center as a family is committed to loving the brethren and to ensure that everyone that comes through our door finds a way to express themselves. A church where there is no gainsay or rancor but where all is loved with the love of God and shown what true love is. – LEARN MORE
[dt_sc_accordion_frame title=”Our History”]
The Redeemed Christ Church of God popularly known as (RCCG) started in 1952 through the vision God gave to the founder Late Pa Josiah O. Akindayomi. –LEARN MORE
[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”hr-title-3″ icon=”” class=””]Our Ministries[/dt_sc_title]
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[dt_sc_title type=”h2″ style=”” icon=”” class=”aligncenter”]Sermons[/dt_sc_title]
Listen to some of the powerful sermon from our senior pastor.
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[dt_sc_audio date=”20 March 2020″ author=”Pastor ‘Shola’ Olayinka” author_link=”#” title=”Annoucement on COVID19″ title_link=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/toUhlSWm_uk” audio=”#” image=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/sermons-pastor-sola.jpg” /]
[dt_sc_audio date=”29 March 2020″ author=”Pastor ‘Shola’ Olayinka” author_link=”#” title=”1st Service: Faith – The Just Shall live by Faith” title_link=”https://youtu.be/a6y2Vth-05E” audio=”#” image=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/sermons-pastor-sola.jpg” /]
[dt_sc_audio date=”29 March 2020″ author=”Pastor ‘Shola’ Olayinka” author_link=”#” title=”2nd Service: Faith – The Just Shall live by Faith” title_link=”https://youtu.be/a6y2Vth-05E” audio=”#” image=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/sermons-pastor-sola.jpg” /]
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[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”hr-title-3″ icon=”” class=””]Testimony[/dt_sc_title]
[dt_sc_recent_post categories=”82″ count=”3″ columns=”3″ read_more_text=”Read more” excerpt_length=”10″ layout_type=”type1 / type2 / type3 / type4 / type5 / type6 / type7″ grid_layout=”false” animation=”” animation_delay=”6″ button_type=” / type2 / type4″ /]
[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”hr-title-3″ icon=”” class=””]Daily Bible Reading[/dt_sc_title]
Bible Reading
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[dt_sc_fullwidth_section type=”color-overlay” backgroundimage=”http://gracecovenantcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/parallax-bg1.jpg” backgroundrepeat=”” backgroundposition=”” backgroundattachment=”” backgroundsize=”” backgroundcolor=”#000000″ opacity=”0.4″ backgroundcolorsecondary=”” opacitysecondary=”” backgroundimagesecondary=”” backgroundrepeatsecondary=”” backgroundpositionsecondary=”” parallax=”yes” paddingtop=”70″ paddingbottom=”60″ textcolor=”” topbordercolor=”” bottombordercolor=”” gradientvalue=”” gradientvaluesecondary=”” gradientdegree=”” radialgradientposition=”” applywhitecolor=”yes” align=”aligncenter” disablecontainer=”” class=”” first]
[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”” icon=”” class=””]SERVICE TIME[/dt_sc_title]
(You can connect by Zoom)
1st Service 9:00am – 10:15am
2nd Service 11:00AM – 12:30pm
Sunday School 10:15am – 10:55am
Children’s Service 5pm
Bible Study 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Friday Prayer Meeting 7:15pm – 8:30pm (call in on 713-234-1730)
Every First Friday of the Month: Night Vigil 12:00am – 3:00am
[dt_sc_title type=”h3″ style=”” icon=”” class=””]CONNECT WITH US[/dt_sc_title]
[dt_sc_social_links show_tooltip=”false” type=”” align=”” class=”” delicious=”” deviantart=”” digg=”” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/RCCG-Grace-Covenant-Center-1402248260032498/” facebooksquare=”” twitter=”https://twitter.com/RCCGGCC” googleplus=”” google=”#” weibo=”” pinterest=”” reddit=”” behance=”” yahoo=”” vimeosquare=”” stumbleupon=”” linkedin=”#” skype=”” youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8GDIow7Ypvfw7EODQpjvUw” dribbble=”” flickr=”” tumblr=”” /]
9205 Skillman Street, Suite 103, Dallas, TX 75243
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